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22 Best Home Remedies For Treating Fatty Liver Naturally

As the name says, fatty liver is nothing but extreme accumulation of fat in the liver that makes the functioning difficult. This is one of the health conditions and crises that can lead to a lot of liver problems and in many situations also makes the liver toxic. Both men and women are severely suffering from fatty liver disease. It is very important to treat the problem using professional help and medications. However, there are safe and effective home remedies that can also be used for cure and that too in a faster way.

Treating Fatty Liver Naturally

What Is Fatty Liver And What Are The Different Grades?

Fatty Liver is a condition in which there is an excess fat buildup on the Liver. While it a common condition to have fat accumulation on the liver, excess buildup can lead to serious complications. When liver is covered with the fat, it fails to function well, including its inability to produce insulin or bile needed for the body. In extreme cases, the liver cannot generate its lost cells and undergo permanent scarring. This is a dangerous condition called Liver Cirrhosis.
The stages of Fatty Liver development are categorized into different grades:
  • Grade 1: This is called a Simple Fatty Liver, in which the excess fat cells cover the Liver, but pose no harm.
  • Grade 2: This is a slightly dangerous condition in which an inflammation is noticed in the Liver. However, this can be cured in early stages, although in later stages, it might be irreversible.
  • Grade 3: This is a severe stage of the disease in which the fat deposits have spread throughout the Liver disabling its function completely.

What Are The Two Types Of Fatty Liver Diseases?

There are two basic types of Fatty Liver disease -Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease.
  1. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFD): This is a condition in which the fatty liver doesn’t happen because of Alcohol. This can be of two types – Simple Fatty Liver, in which the fat accumulation is harmless and Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), in which the Liver inflammation can lead to Cirrhosis or Cancer.
  2. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: This condition is also called Alcoholic steatohepatitis, in which the primary reason for Fatty Liver is consumption of excessive alcohol. In the process of breaking down the Alcohol in the body, toxic substances are released which damage the liver calls and cause inflammation.

How Do You Identify Fatty Liver?

While many patients with Simple Fatty Liver may not have any symptoms, in advanced stages, this condition can pose certain health complications like:
  • Jaundice
  • Ascites and Edema
  • Severe Pain
  • Hepatitis
Fatty Liver is diagnosed with physical screening tests and blood check-ups. Previous medical history is also taken into consideration.

Is Fatty Liver Risky?

A Simple Fatty Liver in its early stages is benign and may not pose major risks. However, advanced Fatty Liver can pose serious health risks including:
  • Diabetes
  • Jaundice
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Liver Cirrhosis
  • Liver failure
  • Liver cancer
Extreme causes of Liver Cirrhosis is quite dangerous and can ultimately lead to death.

Simple Home Remedies For Fatty Liver:

This guide below is one of the best ways to get the top natural home remedies for fatty liver. Use them each day till the problem subsides completely. The best part is that they are free from all forms of side effects.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple Cider Vinegar is the best home remedy for liver, as it can help is cleansing your liver and removing toxins from it. It helps in enabling better functionality of the liver by reducing the fat cells. ACV helps in burning the fat cells, which is most important for treating a fatty liver. A lot of people also claim that ACV has helped them reverse the fatty liver syndromes. However, this treatment must be taken along with medication and exercise for better results.
How To Take:
  • Add 1 tbsp of ACV to a cup of warm water
  • Drink it every day in the morning
User Guidelines:
  • Adding a bit of honey can enhance the taste/
Side Effects:
  • Too much ACV can lead to stomach burns. Careful with the quantity!
2. Lemon:
Lemon is another effective natural treatment which helps in treating Fatty Liver. It aids in Liver detoxification due to an enzyme called Glutathione. Lemon which is rich in Vitamin C, produces ample amounts of this enzyme to keep fat cells at bay! Regular usage can help in removing excess waste and fat cells deposited on the liver and prevent Fatty Liver disease. Also, drinking lemon infused water everyday can maintain the C-Vitamin levels in the body, which can help in flushing the toxins out.
How to Make:
  • Extract the juice of half a lime
  • Add some water and honey
  • Drink it twice daily
User Guidelines:
  • Drinking this juice early in the morning offers quick benefits.
Side Effects:
  • Lemon juice may cause acidity. So, if you have a sensitive stomach, stay away from it!
3. Turmeric:
Studies show that having Turmeric regularly can reduce your chances of falling prey to Liver diseases. A chemical called Curcumin, found in Turmeric is proven to be effective in treating the non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). A pinch of Turmeric used in everyday cooking can help you stay away from liver diseases. Also, Turmeric is a natural cure for fatty liver, for its effectiveness in killing fat cells and deposits. You can even make turmeric tea or a detox drink with lemon and ginger.
How To Make:
  • Boil some water
  • Add a pinch of Turmeric
  • You can even add ginger and lemon
  • Serve it warm
User Guidelines:
  • This tea can be taken first thing in the morning to detox your liver
Side Effects:
  • Turmeric can cause overheating in the body and lead to boils.
4. Indian Gooseberry:
Indian Gooseberry or Amla is the best Ayurvedic remedy for fatty liver. Being a rich source of Vitamin C, it can cure many ailments of Liver. This anti-oxidant fruit helps in cleansing the liver off toxins and protecting it from further damage. Amla is also used in treating Liver Cirrhosis which helped patients experience a reduce inflammation of Liver. Amla also has many enzymes which can curb fat cells and promoting better digestion. You can use this fruit in both the raw forms or as a juice.
How To Take:
  • Chew a few pieces of Amla first thing in the morning and swallow the juice
  • You can even take 1 tbsp of Amla juice with warm water in the morning.
User Guidelines:
  • Amla can be added to your everyday food like dried Amla or powdered form.
Side Effects:
  • Excessive intake of Amla can lead to acidity and stomach disorders.
5. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon offers many benefits to a person suffering from Liver ailments, particularly fatty liver. This amazing spice helps in better production of Enzymes in the Liver. It can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver cells. Cinnamon also helps in reducing the insulin secretion, which is the major cause for fat deposits in the Liver. Not only for Liver patients, but even Diabetic patients also experience wonderful benefits thanks to cinnamon!
How To take:
  • Add a few Cinnamon sticks to boiling water
  • Wait for 2-3 minutes and strain
  • Serve it hot
User Guidelines:
  • You can drink this tea early in the morning for best benefits.
Side Effects:
  • Cinnamon can cause burning sensation when had in excess.

Additional Home Remedies For Fatty Liver:

  1. Milk Thistle: There are many herbs that help in treatment of fatty liver if taken in the right dose. One of the best examples in this case is Milk Thistle that helps in production of enzymes that clean the liver of the toxins. This should be taken till the problem is completely cured. Make sure you consult an herbalist before adhering to the herb.
  2. Flax Seeds: Include a handful of powdered flax seeds in the daily routine by sprinkling it on various dishes. It has qualities of putting some strain on the liver and forces it to cleanse out the toxins. Flax seeds have a protection quality for the liver and not only treats but also prevent problems related to liver especially fatty liver.
  3. Green Tea: The rich antioxidants in green tea are one of the best uses for fatty liver treatment. It helps in hydrating the organs and regulating its functions. It also helps in cleansing the toxins and fat accumulated in the liver. Have a cup or two of green tea each day as one of the perfect cures for the crisis.
  4. Dandelion Tea: Prepare a cup or two of dandelion tea at home by boiling the leaves in water. This should be strained and taken warm. It is one of the natural detoxifiers that flush the toxins completely from the liver and helps it gain back the power to function properly. Dandelion tea is one of the best and natural home remedies for fatty liver disease.
  5. Activated Charcoal: This is one natural product that is known for its benefits of cleansing the liver from toxins and fat and thus treats the crisis of fatty liver. As for the right way of use, consult a professional for the purpose. Capsules of this product are available but the dose can only be given by an expert.
  6. Licorice: Licorice is recommended by many doctors and experts for reducing nonalcoholic liver problems. These type of diseases are becoming more visible these days, hence the doctors have suggested their patients to go natural before going through any artificial treatment. Al you have to do is add one teaspoon of licorice to a cup of warm water and cover and allow the mixture to get little dense. Keep it like it is for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the water away and add some honey and eat it. Continue this home remedy for liver fat for at least a week and you will get visible results.
  7. Amrith or Guduchi: These are two of the best herbs that act as an effective home remedy for liver fat. Amrith has many rejuvenating properties and one of the most commonly found herbs. It can eliminate harmful toxins and give strength to the liver to function properly. Many ayurvedic physicians also recommend Guduchi which is an useful plant oil and can be used to treat liver fat issues. It is found in the norther an southern part of India.
Lifestyle Changes:
Curing the mind and making you body healthy from the inside can cue the liver fat issues quicker than you can even imagine. Lifestyle changes include changing your diet which has already been discussed below. It also includes changing your hangout spots and making a proper use of the home remedy elements which are at your disposal. Check out these lifestyle tips to protect your liver from this condition:
  • Cholesterol Level: Eat foods with low cholesterol content. A healthy diet will also assist you with your liver issues. maintaining a proper cholesterol level will keep you fit and will be an effective home remedy for not only liver fat but also other body problems.
  • Water: A simple, easy and highly effective home remedy for the treatment of fatty liver is to have about 10-12 glasses of water. Water is a natural cleanser for the organs and removes the toxins and dirt perfectly along with improving the blood flow and hydrating the body well. Having plain and filtered water is one of the right directions to take when it comes to fatty liver.
  • Workout: Exercise is the key. It will keep you fit. Get out of your house and take a walk. Don’t be lazy, get involved in some activities which will keep you fit. Without eating anything, this workout remedy will effectively help you with your liver condition. Exercise regularly and reduce almost all kinds of health issues.
  • Organic Stuff: There are certain organic food that might help in curing your live condition. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed at this state to protect the liver from any further damage. Apples, papaya, etc are one of the best fruits that can be consumed at this point of time. Bitter gourd will also help in curing the liver. Fruits are vegetables are also prescribed by experts and doctors as home remedies for liver.
  • Sugar Consumption: Minimize your sugar consumption if you have a fatty liver problems. Sugar is one of the harmful things that you can eat at this time. There is no need to go totally sugar free. Minimizing the sugar consumption will also do the job. Stop eating too much deserts or foods that come with artificial sugar and might prove to be harmful for your body.
  • Avoiding Junk Food: According to many studies it has been seen that one of the primes reasons behind excess fat in liver is the consumption of fast foods. The junk foods or fast foods come with bad oil content which are not at all good for you. Rather, they can be the reason behind many other problems such as stomach upsets. Try eating fresh and natural stuff such as fruits and vegetables to treat the liver condition. This is one of the most practiced fatty liver home remedies.

Instant Tips For Preventing Fatty Liver:

  • Losing weight can be the first step to preventing Fatty Liver. It is important to keep a check on calorie count.
  • Healthy diet can protect your liver from damage. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can ensure the well-being of your liver.
  • Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can keep fatty liver at bay
  • Keeping your blood sugar levels in check can prevent fatty liver
  • Using a good combination of exercise, medications and diet can reduce your risk of Fatty Liver.
  • Say No to alcohol! Alcohol can seriously damage your liver and add more harm.
  • Taking Vitamin E rich diet can prevent damage to your liver due to the high amounts of anti-oxidants.
  • Regular screening can help you diagnose the disease in early stages.
  • Take your doctor and seek medical counselling immediately to avoid further damage.
Without a doubt, there are many other home remedies for fatty liver other than the one discussed above. However, the remedies discussed above are some of the most practiced and effective home remedies for curing the liver and eliminating the excess fat.

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